同盟の危機 The Alliance in Peril
(会議室 昼)
Meeting Room | Daytime
ディミトリ: 同盟から、救援要請があった。帝国軍の侵攻を受けているそうだ。
Dimitri: We have received a request for aid from the Alliance. They are being invaded by the Empire.
We have only just taken back Fhirdiad, and yet I am already asking all of you to move out once more. Please accept my apologies for that.
イングリット: いえ、それは問題ありませんが……それよりも、同盟の状況はどのような?
Ingrid: That's no problem at all. More importantly, how is the Alliance faring?
ディミトリ: リーガン家が主体となって同盟諸侯を糾合し総力を挙げて帝国を迎え撃っているが……
Dimitri: House Riegan has rallied the Alliance Lords. They are facing the enemy with all the strength they can muster.
But we do not know how far that will get them. It seems the enemy's relentless attacks have forced them into a tough situation.
Their defeat at Gronder severely weakened the Alliance. I imagine the Empire now intends to destroy them before they can recover.
ギルベルト: 我々が王都へ兵を返したのを見るや、即座に同盟侵攻に乗り出すとは……。
Gilbert: To think they'd watch us chase their soldiers out of the kingdom capital, then immediately go invade the Alliance...
Their general is Lord Volkhard von Arundel. He serves as regent to the Emperor.
He has presumably taken command after the Emperor was wounded in Gronder.
ディミトリ: 内政のみならず、用兵にも長ける“辣腕摂政”。油断できる相手ではないな。
Dimitri: He is known for his shrewdness and excels not only in domestic affairs, but tactics as well. He is not an opponent we should take lightly.
Lord Arundel...
Byleth: 気がかりが? Are you concerned?
ディミトリ: 俺は元々……アランデル公が、9年前の事件を引き起こしたものだと思っていた。
Dimitri: I always suspected that Lord Arundel was behind the tragedy nine years ago.
The timing of his departure from the kingdom, the fact that he abruptly stopped making donations... Too many factors made him suspect.
If Lord Arundel conspired with Cornelia... then what Kronya and the others said five years ago...
ギルベルト: ………………。
Gilbert: Hmm...
ディミトリ: ……いや、それよりも今は、同盟の話だ。皆は、どう思う?
Dimitri: Well, nevermind that for now. The Alliance needs our help. What are your thoughts?
ギルベルト: 今同盟を捨て置き、デアドラが陥落すれば、厄介な状況になるのは間違いありません。
Gilbert: If we turn our back on the Alliance and then Derdriu falls, it will undoubtedly make our situation difficult further down the road.
We would have enemies in two directions... in the Alliance to the northeast and in the Empire to the south.
ディミトリ: そうだな。仮にそのような状況になれば、帝都に兵を進めるのもままならなくなる。
Dimitri: That is true. In that scenario, we would not be able to safely march our soldiers to Enbarr.
フレン: レア様のことは心配ですけれど……今は同盟を救うべきでは、とも思いますの。
Flayn: I'm terribly worried about Lady Rhea... but I believe we must save the Alliance first.
アネット: あ、これを口実にして、同盟に協力の約束を取りつける、なんてのはどうでしょう?
Annette: Oh! Maybe if we do this, the alliance will help us out in return!
We could ask them to help us attack the Empire. You know, a sneak attack or something!
メルセデス: あらあら~。アンったら、いつの間にそんなあくどいことを言うようになったの~?
Mercedes: Annie! When did you become so devious?
アネットとギルベルト 支援
ギルベルト: ……ふ、まったく、親の顔が見てみたいものだな。
アネット: へー……ふーん……。じゃ、鏡を持ってこなくちゃだね。
ギルベルト: あなたはどう思われますか、Byleth殿?
Gilbert: What do you think, Professor?
Choice 1: デアドラへ向かおう Let's march for Derdriu.
ディミトリ: ……ああ、そうだな。それでこそ、先生だ。
Dimitri: Yes, I agree.
Choice 2: ディミトリの決定に従おう I support whatever Dimitri decides.
ディミトリ: 俺の決定?やはり俺は……デアドラへ向かいたい。
Dimitri: We must go to Derdriu.
ディミトリ: もちろん、いずれ南進するための損得勘定もあるが……
Dimitri: I will admit that there is something to be gained for us as well, for when we eventually march south...
But far more importantly... they need us. We cannot turn our backs on them.
ディミトリ: 急ぎ、出陣の支度をするぞ。皆も備えておいてくれ。
Dimitri: We will arrange to head out at once. Prepare yourselves, everyone.